Thursday, December 31, 2009

and so they were named...

We finally settled on names for our precious new baby girls.  We named 'Baby A' Eva Grace, and 'Baby B' Zoë Elyse.  Both Eva and Zoë mean 'life', and Eva also represents Eve (the first woman) so we thought it would be perfect for our firstborn.  It took us a while, but we wanted to get to know them first, and feel these names fit them perfectly. 

Today, Eva and Zoë are 1 week and 1 day old.  They are both doing well, in the NICU.  Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Best Christmas Gift Ever...

After three weeks in the hospital for preterm labor issues related to Baby B, we became the proud parents of TWO BABY GIRLS delivered via Cesarean on December 23rd. Baby A weighed in at 2 lbs 5 oz (14") and Baby B at 1 lb 12 oz (13.75"). Both babies are being cared for in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), and I am recovering well. At this time, we have no pictures or names to share.  Thank you for your support and prayers.